Committee of Age Reading Experts
2023 Meeting travel...
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2023 Meeting travel discussion

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Nikki Paige
Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 29
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Hey all! Just wanted to start a spot to have some discussion about our upcoming meeting. Personally I'm taking the train up to Seattle, as is my wont, and wanted to see if other peeps know how they're traveling. Mostly so that I know I'll have enough people to bum rides off of from the hotel up to campus in the mornings, since I won't have my own car! 😉 

Nikki Paige
Illustrious Member Admin
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 29
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Looks like at least 3, most likely 4 of the people from my lab are doing the train up and back from the conference. If anyone knows that they'd be in town in the evening on Sunday and would for some reason enjoy shuttling a bunch of us to our hotel from the train station, let me know! I had a pretty good system worked out years past until now, when the hotel canceled it's shuttle service. So now we're stuck taking public transportation the last leg lol.
