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Rougheye Rockfish Exchange (2020-2022) between AFSC and ADF&G Juneau

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In September 2020, Catherine Matson (ADF&G Juneau) requested a Rougheye Rockfish exchange with AFSC. The CARE Vice-Chair Andrew Claiborne (WDFW Olympia) assigned structure ID numbers for the CASE invoices. A sample of 30 otoliths collected in Region 2 with images from ADFG was sent to AFSC and AFSC sent a sample of 30 otoliths collected from the Gulf of Alaska with images to ADFG. Preparation methods included break and burns and break and bakes. The age reader for ADFG was Catherine and readers from AFSC were Chris Gburski, Betty Goetz and Delsa Anderl. Images were annotated in Photoshop by both ageing labs. An AFSC resolved age was generated by Chris Gburski. Precision results will be posted in the CARE exchange webpage for the 2 exchange sample sets, exchange ID#s 20-004 and 20-005.

Discrepancies between the 2 labs, where specimens were aged >10 years apart, were discussed virtually between AFSC and ADFG on April 6, 2021 for the ADFG sample. Participants were Chris Gburski (AFSC), Delsa Anderl (AFSC), Catherine Matson (ADFG) and Kevin McNeel (ADFG).

Discrepancies between the 2 labs, where specimens were aged >10 years apart, were discussed virtually between AFSC and ADFG on May, 3, 2022 for the AFSC samples. Participants were Chris Gburski (AFSC), Delsa Anderl (AFSC), Catherine Matson (ADFG) and Kevin McNeel (ADFG).

Inter-lab age determination criteria, interpretation of early growth years, ageing axis and ageing precision were reviewed via age reader annotated images with group discussion.

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Example of a younger annotated rougheye rockfish image in Photoshop:

Blue: Delsa

Blue (2): Betty

Red: Cathy

Green: Chris




This post was modified 2 years ago by cgburski

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Example of an older annotated Rougheye Rockfish image:

Blue: Delsa

Blue (2): Betty

Red: Cathy

Green: Chris

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Added older rougheye image.

